>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Heather/Femme
>For now... till linux gets more popular, then we'll see virii &
>more sophisticated attacks on our comps.
>Hell we'll see rootkits and "DYI Hack em Kits" Like they have in
>the windows world.  Its inevitable.  So don't
>feel too comfortable yet in your linux tower.  Its not the
>impregnable fortress lots of linuxers wold have you believe it is.

I disagee with this..

For one thing, even if linux replaced windows on 90% of users desktops
The chances are that they are all using different browsers, different email
clients different office suites and so on..

So I doubt there will ever be anything like the "micro$soft virus transport
system" (IE and lookout) in linux..

Also, most of the linux developers have learned from winblows mistakes, and
as a result its unlikely you will ever see something like activeX objects
in a linux browser.

And all of that is ignoring the fact that the browser or email client is
running as "you" not as root.
so it can't trash anythign that you don't have write access to anyway.

I think even if Linux had 60 percent of desktop market and winblows 40% you
would still see more windows viri then attempts at linux..  because 40% is
till alot of winblows users and they are just easier to write.

Keep in mind, that most of these are written by script kiddie types, they
use publicially released compromise example code and just flesh it out

They don't want to have to work to hard..

I think there will be some linux worms going around that attach flaws in
open services like apache/ssh/FTP etc... but it will be about 10 years
before its really even worth writing a linux desktop virus.. and by then
who knows what linux will be.



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