-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of InDeSkyz
Sent: Tuesday, 19 August 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] That's gotta sting!

And so to keep China buying from MS - MS offers to let China view source
For some reason that annoys me.


The only way I would trust that, is if I was allowed to compile the M$
source and then compare it to the binaries off a windows CD.. (use
checksums to validate.)

There is no way I would just accept their word that the source they offer
is the total of windows code.

I would bet that the NDA  china had to sign to get the src had stipulations
against compiling the code..

I wouldn't trust M$ as far as I could kick them.. and while I could
probably kick big Bill a fair way.. when you add the other management
fellows it becomes inversly proportional. :-)



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