On Sun, 31 Aug 2003 22:33:48 +0100
Margot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> What kind of elections are you used to?

I guess it's more a question of "mandate"; I wonder, as has already been
asked, how accountable these people are once the election is over.

I mean, hey, even in the former Soviet Union, they got to make a mark on
a ballot, it's just that they could only vote for one party. In the U.S.
at least they can choose between 2 for the most part, and in Canada,
wow, we get *3* choices, LOL!

I, and many others, see that once pol's are elected, they tend to follow
whatever path they are told to by the corporate masters, in this case
proprietary software vendors, rather than the public will.

I can't comment too much, like I say, on the Euro Parliament, but the
*sense* I get is that their "mandate" is much more spread out amongst
the member nations (duh) than it is derived from the specific desires
and needs of individual nations, and therefore much more subject to the
vagaries of corporate bureaucracy, which crosses, by it's very nature,
national boundaries.

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