On Thu, 14 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I need to get some files from windows to Linux. the only way I have of
> updating anything in mandrake is to download it under windows and move it
> over to the linux drive.. now I need to know how to do that....
> I used the /mnt/windows to get files I needed from linux to windows so
> that I could send a file or 2. that worked with no problem.. but when I
> try to go from windows back to Linux I got kinda lost. Now, do I need to
> do the /mnt command again like I did before? becuase I have a
> /mnt/windows directory and when I went there I didn't see the files I
> moved to there from linux but under windows I see them now.
Do you have it defined in your FSTAB? If not, you'll have
to specify the whole thing. Here's what I have (it
auto-mounts my Windows partition):
/dev/hda1               /mnt/dos                vfat    defaults        0 0

When I want to get a file off my Windows partition, I just
type "cd /mnt/dos" and then cd to the directory where I
have the file located!

It really sounds like you haven't mounted your windows
partition. Type "mount /mnt/windows" at the prompt (as
root, minus quotes) and see if it works. If it doesn't,
you'll have to specify the partition to mount, the
filesystem type and where to mount it.
Good luck!

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