Graham Watkins wrote:
Dick Gevers wrote:

Same here today. A couple early in the morning, and another string in the
afternoon, all accompanied by fake Microsoft Security updates, and all the
pairs had similar `return path` and/or `from` and/or `to`.

My suspicion is that these are directly coming from virus disseminators.

They are lousy to filter (I am using `mailfilter`; see Mandrake Club RPM
Voting), because each pair has a completely different set of headers, but
they all come with the same approximate size (~140-160 Kb), have a windows
executable attached and the fake M$ ones also have two .gif type pictures.

These aren't what I'm concerned about (although I have been getting them - those are almost certainly virii). What I've been getting are delivery failure messages with no attachments which make me wonder if I'm being used as a conduit for someone else's junk mail program and that these return mail messages are a result of junk mails sent to email addresses that are no longer in existence.

Having said that, my firewall seems to be secure so far as I can tell. Stephen suggested that I should have a look at my postfix setup but I don't use a mailserver as my mail goes to and from my ISP via Mozilla without any intermediary.

I suppose I could take Charlie's advice and filter them out but I'd still like to get to the bottom of what's going on. Who is sending these and why?

As regards the suggestions for a vigilante organisation, I understand that most of the big time spammers are based in Florida. I suggest we start drawing up invasion plans :-)

I'm still completely mystified by this - if I'm not being hacked and there's no virus attached, then what on earth is the point of these things?


What this generally means is that the virus is replicating itself by using your email address, plucked from the address book of someone who uses Outlook Express. Have you ever sent an email to someone who uses OE? Or given your email address to someone who uses OE, which they've added to their address book? Or posted to a mailing list where someone else on the list uses OE? I bet you have, even if you didn't mean to! As your address is being used, the bounce messages are being (mis)directed to you. There is nothing you can do about it, except keeping your email address secret from everybody - which means not using it!


Got to go and pack my suitcase for Florida now - I hope they don't examine it too carefully when I enter the USA - I don't want them finding the nuclear warheads I've hidden under my spare bikini!

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