On Wednesday 24 September 2003 08:09 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 Sep 2003 11:02 am, HaywireMac wrote:
> > On Tue, 23 Sep 2003 22:13:07 -0700
> >
> > John Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> > > By the same logic you seem to suggest tossing a nonswimmer into
> > > the 20 foot end of a pool and say "swim" which is exactly what
> > > RTFM is.
> >
> > I agree wholeheartedly.
> As for the car, was anyone really put into the driving seat, then told
> to RTFM?
> > This is where this list comes in. I have found that a combination
> > of manpages, howto's, polite advice (without the RTFM), and Stephen
> > Kuhn telling me to wake the fsck up has been most effective in
> > getting me to learn.
> I like paper.  I print out man pages, HOW-TOs, TWiki pages <g> and
> everything else that seems to help.  I buy books, too.  I posted a
> question about symlinks some time ago because I had followed the
> instructions in the expensive (£3O) book, and it didn't work.  In
> fact the instructions in the FM were completely wrong, and I had been
> completely mislead by R'ingTFM.
> It's never that simple, yanki, and most of us learn by interaction.  I
> talk to a friend off-list, where we swap problems.  Often, before a
> reply comes back I have solved it myself, because articulation of the
> problem helps tidy up the thinking processes.  And experienced
> people, both on this list and the expert one, have admitted that they
> have just done the same thing.
> Anne

I like to close this discussion by giving last word to lady. This thread was 
too long and hopefully some people get something from this discussion. My 
only hope is that current way we, Linux community, going will not bring us to 
dad end of do not think but click. In my <u>opinion</u> the man pages, HOWTO, 
and personal research should come before asking direct question. But maybe 
this is coming from my main job of all hated IT manager where 50 times a day 
I hear the question coming to me in line of how to save to the a: drive. I am 
not disagree that newbie list and twiky page are important; however in the 
hit of discussion every one forget what my original post was. I posted an 
instruction for using man pages. But no good did goes unpunished :) And I was 
slap by the HiywierMac :) Sorry for having my own opinion I will crawl under 
my desk and hide from every body. :) I can not withstand a pressure of whole 
Wilson family (Ann, John) :)   

Just for joke sorry Will \:-()

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