On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I am not clear on what a cdrw disk is.  I used to write CDW drivers for Kodak,
> mainly  for the PhotoCD Project.  I do know that CDs can only be written to
> once.  Furthermore, there is a limitation on the number of times you can write
> to the CD.  The first track of the CD contains information on where all the
> files are.  This way the reader does not have to scan the whole cd to see what
> files are on the disk, just the first track.  There are a fixed number of slots
> in this track to contain file information.  If I rememebr correctly, there are
> 99 of these slots.  Each time you write to the CD, the effort takes up one slot,
> describing what was written and what, if anything was deleted, replaced, etc.
Re-Writeable CD. Eraseable/Re-Writeable. For a finite number of
re-writes. :-)

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