HaywireMac wrote:

On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 18:55:10 -0500
Tom Brinkman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

Well, so I'll say this newbie user TWiki is redundant, loaded with marginal solutions. Often wrong or not useable for all. That's why I haven't contributed. Better wicki's are already provided by Mandrake or Google.

That's nice, you arrogant old schmuck.

There is no need for that....

I respect Toms opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it..

I was looking though the twiki last night and there is some useful stuff on it.
But the best part of it I think is that its totally user driven.. and thats great.

As for the google solution, that is great and I use it daily, however quiet often what you find is not mandrake specific..
The twiki is..

Don't take it to heart people, the Twiki is a useful resource as already has a wealth of info on it..

(admitadly its got some bones showing in a few places, but for the most part, its pretty good.)



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