
You and Steve wrote:
>>   If you expected no bumps when we went from Redhat(c)+, to Redhat(c)
>> compatible, I really don't know what to tell you. It is going to be
>> but no one will get bruised, promise..
>I've been here since 5.3, using every release in between.  6.1 is the
>absolute most broken distribution I've ever laid hands on.  You've got
>smart group of people there, but you're spending time developing new
>while your distribution rots.
>taking a break from all of the "extras" and get back to making sure
>the base distribution is solid?

I think both of you have reasonable points. What is changing is that
MandrakeSoft is now moving from business childhood to business
adulthood. In the past it was a group of dedicated, enthusiastic
people with a vision. And from the 5.2 version on you were targeting
an audience much the same.

Certainly there was a hope that there would be financial reward if
you pulled it off, but it was a big gamble.

Now, however, you've really started to get a lot of notice and well
deserved attention, but you really are moving into bigger business
world. And the Mandrake business model has got to change with it.
Unfortunately, the new model you must have is exactly the same one
where a few other competitors are already very good. People with
names like Bill Gates and Scott McNealy and Larry Ellison. They
may like and admire you just fine, but they'll eat you for lunch if
you don't pay attention to the customer.

As for Steve's point about cooker, look at the fact that MS has
delayed Windows NT 5.0/Windows 2000 repeatedly. To make
a real dent in the corporate world the stuff MUST work out of the box.
Absolutely no excuses.

Frankly, if this hiccup is the only one Mandrake ever has you'll
rule the world. But for now, stop,check out where your revenue
comes from, and make your major revenue providers happy.


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