On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 10:27:23PM -0600, Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm not sure howlong till the next ide patch is out for 2.2.13 hopefully
> it'll fix this. also which error are you getting again 'hdX: lost
> interupt' or the DMA timeout

Check your archived mail, I included the exact error messages from the logs
in my original message.
> > > > > > 2)  Inability to compile a kernel.  Attempting a 'make menuconfig' yields:
> > > >
> > So in order to compile the kernel, what package do I need?  Why wasn't that
> > package included in the distribution?  Did you expect people NOT to compile
> > their own kernels?
> It's not like this is all that new of a problem (pgcc produceing flaky
> code). 

So if it's broken, why ship it?  If it's got KNOWN ISSUES, why put your
users at risk?
> use egcs if you want exactly like was distributed

And I'd find egcs WHERE on the CD?  Is this sinking in yet?
> use pgcc if you don't care if the parallel ports work (could be other
> problems also i quit testing at that point)
> use gcc if your useing kernel-source from cooker, and want the fastest
> posible code 

I've got the retail Mandrake, as I previously stated.
> > > Seems it will happen only on a clean install
> > > also doesn't seem the gcc check was ever applyed to the cooker .spec
> > 
> > Considering that Mandrake has been pretty vocal about "install don't
> > upgrade", one would expect that someone at Mandrake had actually tried USING
> > the resulting system.
> I was useing it 18 hours a day for several weeks, i still (personaly)
> stand by "just cause it works here, doesn't mean it will there"

Apparently you never tried to compile a kernel with the installed system! 
Or a myriad of other things, because I'm tripping over problems every day.
> > It's time for Mandrake to realize that those of us who buy our distributions
> > expect a bit more than we would if it were handed to us free.  We expect
> > that our money will ensure that things are tested, packaged, and ready to use. 
> > If that is an unreasonable thing for me to expect from Mandrake, I'll gladly
> > take my money elsewhere.
>  I'd like to point out that up untill not all that long ago there were but
> a handfull of us. (some volunteers even)

So extend the Beta testing periods on this stuff.  If I recall correctly,
6.1 was an announced ONE WEEK beta period.  Sure, it went to three weeks,
but there are STILL bugs in this thing.  Big ones.  Hairy, nasty, venomous
ones.  Bugs that SHOULD NOT be happening.  If it's broke, slip on the ship
date and fix them.

And volunteers or not, have some pride in your work.  Do you and the other
Mandrakers like coming to work every morning knowing that someone else will
be filing bug reports against all your hard work?  I know it would bum me
> Steve,
>   If you expected no bumps when we went from Redhat(c)+, to Redhat(c)
> compatible, I really don't know what to tell you. It is going to be bumpy,
> but no one will get bruised, promise..

I've been here since 5.3, using every release in between.  6.1 is the
absolute most broken distribution I've ever laid hands on.  You've got a
smart group of people there, but you're spending time developing new things
while your distribution rots.  These bug reports should serve as a warning
to all the people there that they will be held accountable for it.  How
about taking a break from all of the "extras" and get back to making sure
the base distribution is solid?

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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