Tango Echo wrote:

Hi all,

I'm running MDK 9.1 on my workstation. I usually
leave it on 24/7 for the week but shut it down on the
weekends. Usually between Wednesday and Friday
Mozilla becomes *painfully* slow. I'm talking about
writing a sentance and watching it appear over the
course of 10-30 seconds... Scrolling and simply
browsing is also slowed dramatically. I'm running
gkrellm and it indicates that my CPU is pinned at 100%
during this slow period. I thought that maybe if I
upgraded Mozillia that may help. So I took out the
old and installed Mozilla 1.5 XFT. Still no luck. This is going to sound silly, but the only way I've
found to fix the problem is to shutdown all instances
of Mozilla and start the program back up. Seems
simple enough, but when I'm doing a lot of research
leaving the windows open is much more convenient then
book marking or history browsing... Even after I shut
it down it still can spike the CPU to 80-100% - is
that part normal?

Any ideas here?

Thanks in advance,

Tango Echo

Here is mine in M9.1,

top - 13:50:36 up 1 day, 21:26, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.05
Tasks: 105 total, 2 running, 103 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 16.2% user, 2.0% system, 0.0% nice, 81.8% idle
Mem: 515336k total, 510792k used, 4544k free, 6568k buffers
Swap: 1028120k total, 30604k used, 997516k free, 359000k cached
15963 root 15 0 35552 34m 17m S 9.9 6.9 0:14.23 mozilla-bin
1599 root 9 -10 98400 15m 3420 S 7.0 3.1 30:12.89 X
16078 root 11 0 992 992 768 R 0.7 0.2 0:00.57 top
16032 root 9 0 9636 9632 6880 S 0.3 1.9 0:00.68 gnome-terminal

From the above you can see that mozilla when in actual use takes 9.9% of CPU and 6.9% of memory, but when merely open but nothing doing, mozilla drops completely out of the list.


John Richard Smith

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