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Saturday 27 December 2003 11:53 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> Charlie, I have anjuta up and running, so this conversation is now just
> for my knowledge.  Please feel free to take as long as you want to reply
> - no hurry.
> Charlie Mahan wrote:
> > ../../cooker/i586/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
> >
> > since the directory we started from was contrib we want the hdlist for
> > that set of packages.
> I'm with you here.
> > Are you running cooker or 9.2? Cooker packages often don't play well with
> > release compilers etc so I hope you have a reason to want that ajunta
> > package from cooker. Just a word of caution, I always start breaking my
> > install and go full cooker about halfway through a release cycle (or
> > earlier) myself.
> I've read caveats about cooker several times.  anjuta is not in the
> cooker subdirectory, but in its contrib sibling, both under
> mandrake-devel.  Is that equally as dangerous?  The main reason I'm
> going there is that I'm just getting started with anjuta, and I read on
> the anjuta site that the new version fixes lots of bugs.  Maybe I'd be
> better off just compiling it myself?

The contrib for a release, or contrib for the current cooker development tree, 
is a package tree consisting of packages built for the environment that would 
result from installing that version. Cooker is always cooker, whether you're 
talking about the main tree (/cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS) or contrib. The 
compilers, kernels, and all development libraries are compatible. They are 
often _not_ compatible with the "stable" release that was branched from 
cooker at a temporarily frozen moment in time.

Having said that, it's quite possible there is enough compatibility in that 
specific package (anjuta) that you may never notice a problem. In other words 
running cooker packages on a release install is a crap shoot. It seems you 
have gotten away with it. This time. (-:

If it's working why do extra work "rolling your own?"

> >>/pub/linux/distributions/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/Mandrake/base
> >>
> >>This directory has a whole bunch of hdlist files, plus one called
> >>hdlists which describe what they all do.  Here is the contents of
> >> hdlists:
> >>
> >>hdlist.cz   Mandrake/RPMS   Installation CD
> >>hdlist.src.cz   ../SRPMS    Installation sources
> >>hdlist2.cz  Mandrake/RPMS2  Contrib CD
> >>hdlist2.src.cz  ../../contrib/SRPMS Contrib sources
> >>hdlist3.cz  Mandrake/RPMS3  Jpackage
> >>hdlist3.src.cz  ../../contrib/jpackage/SRPMS        Jpackage sources

The above will make more sense if one treats the directories the hdlists 
correspond to as DVDs. CDs won't hold that much data. The list for the "disk" 
you want (contrib), whether you're cooking or using an 'official release', is 
always hdlist2.cz. On the other hand hdlist.cz is the equivalent of all three 
disks of the download edition plus a large number of packages not on those 
disks due to space limitations and Release Manager choices. Again, think DVD 
since CDs won't hold that much data.

> > Yeah I see it. The mirrors have a weird directory structure. Release
> > trees are a bit simpler I think. Maybe. I'm still trying to figure out
> > why you're working this backwards. The package manager has to know where
> > the packages are, and the relative path from _there_ to the hdlists, not
> > the other way around, which is what you're doing.
> The reason I'm looking at it backwards is to convince myself, looking at
> hdlists above, that hdlist2.cz is the one I need.  My reading of the
> list above is that hdlist2.cz is for this directory:

Inside the contrib directory are those two synthesis.hdlist.cz files. One is 
called synthesis.hdlist2.cz, correct? It isn't correctly named in that 
context, but it is the right name for where you are starting from, which is 
the /Mandrake/base directory. The hdlist2 name is correct there since *all* 
of the hdlists reside in that one directory.

As to the question of "Which is the correct list for the contrib software 
repository?" think of the cooker directory as main for software source 
purposes. hdlist.cz with no sub of any kind will be the list for that "disk" 
correct? Now contrib is the next large software source for that version of 
Mandrake Linux; but on it's own it isn't a complete distribution. It depends 
on "main," so the list for it must need the next numerically sequential 
hdlist, OK? Since there was no hdlist0 (zero) and there's no hdlist1, then 
the correct one must be hdlist2. Now does it make sense?

How bad did you say that cold was? <g> Sorry, I'm being a PITA this morning.

> /pub/linux/distributions/mandrake/9.2/i586/Mandrake/RPMS2
> which appears to be a symlink to
> /pub/linux/distributions/mandrake/9.2/contrib/i586

That's correct, but the software management utilities don't seem to be able to 
run through remote symlinks now do they? You actually have to specify the 
true path on the remote server. 

That it still points to the 9.2 tree is just a left over that wasn't cleaned 
up after cooker was "un-frozen" after the release of 9.2. Mandrake doesn't 
seem to have any control over the mirrors, especially since the mirroring is 
all voluntary.

> But the directory I'm interested in is this one:
> /pub/linux/distributions/mandrake-devel/contrib/i586
> I did an eyeball comparison of these two directories and they are very
> similar but not exactly the same.  The version of anjuta is different,
> and I happened to notice this new file in mandrake-devel that is not in
> mandrake/9.2:
> anomy-sanitizer-1.63-7mdk.noarch.rpm

That's one reason why I keep hammering on the difference between cooker and 
release versions Guy. Cooker is the next Mandrake, contrib for cooker is a 
part of that. It's where new software packages submitted by volunteer 
packagers/developers go before they become part of main. Some stay in contrib 
forever, not because they aren't useful but because there's only so much that 
the "Official" packagers can support. You did notice the total number of 
packages in cooker and contrib didn't you? <g> As in:

/mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/RPMS 3035 Items-3035 Files (2.9 GB Total)
/mandrake-devel/contrib/i586           4034 Items-4034 Files (2.9GB Total)

BTW that is the simplest explanation for why something such as kernel-source 
occasionally doesn't make it to the download edition disks. Someone hard at 
work trying to decide what to include, that likely hadn't enough sleep for a 
month, but still trying to choose the right packages to make a useful and 
complete release. I sure as hell wouldn't want the job, would you? (-;

> > If I don't make it back tonight please be patient, or hopefully one of
> > the smart people that read the list will jump in. I hope. I really do
> > need to be horizontal for a few hours. Today actually started Thursday
> > morning.
> I know that feeling, don't run yourself into the ground.  Happy New
> Year, Charlie.

I'm always so far behind that I can't see the start line Guy, it isn't a 
problem. Until I start to get cranky and post snotty answers to poor 
unsuspecting newbies. Or bite a customer without an invitation.

I try to avoid those situations though. <g>


P.S.: I'm going to send you a better mirror URL off list. It's a lot closer to 
"up-to-date" and is just cleaner. It's also less likely to be clogged by ftp 
requests and spit time outs at you.
- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User #244963 at http://counter.li.org
Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 kernel 2.4.22-21.tmb.1mdk
09:25:41 up 7 days, 19:14, 1 user, load average: 0.17, 0.15, 0.11
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T after you.
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