On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 13:06:33 -0500
Bryan Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Thursday 15 January 2004 12:17 pm, jason pearl wrote:
>> I never bet a bounce back and nobody can telnet to me even with my
>> router port opened so i guess the outgoing 25 is blocked? so does
>that> mean incoming is blocked also?
>Jason, I just did some research to try to clear this up.  According to
>this: http://support.cox.net/custsup/email/email_info.shtml
>Cox does not block incoming port 25, they do however, block outgoing
>port 25 just as Earthlink does.  You should be able to receive mail at
>a dynamic domain but you will not be able to send mail without
>configuring the mail server to relay through Cox's mail servers.
>If other people are unable to telnet to port 25 on your system, it
>might be because you are running a firewall that is dropping the
>traffic or your mail server is incorrectly configured and therefore is
>not active.-- 
>Bryan Phinney
>Software Test Engineer
I cant see port 25 on sheilds up at grc.com
It says my 25 is stealth.. I also made sure that the port is open on my
router.. so i take it i would have to buy the cox business line or buy
mail redirector service.


jason pearl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"-Tupac
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