i have an AMD athlon 1.1 ghz,,,its a compaq 5004US.
my network card is SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI (SMC1211TX),
i just installed mandrake9.2 2 days ago with dual boot, however the network doesnt work!
i did ipconfig in the console window in xp, and copied down the info...
ip adress...
subnet mas....
default gateway...
Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :
this is all that it gave me for the DNS.
I then went to the mandrake config tool, and i wrote in the same ip address, and gateway address...then i went to the linux prompt typed #ifconfig -a
the ip addresses were the same as on the xp computer, and the gateway was also the same...
i then did #service network restart
and the network restarted everything had an ok next to it
but i think that only the lo things were working..as when i typed in #service network status or something like that...i dont rmmr now exactly...i only saw lo, not the eth0
in the mandrake computer config tool,,,my network card is up, however the internet connection is NOT working...
im not in linux, now, but i think the tool was called samba, using this, i saw the other computeron my network,,,however again the internet isnt working...
my router has a built it modem, and it dials by itself...under xp when i set up the network, the cpu automatically detected the lan internet connection.
the router is a Dell TrueMobile BaseStation...however I'm almost sure that no drivers are needed, because i connect with a crossover cable, and not a pci-card, like my laptop does.
The xp network works perfectly, it was a breeze to set up, i just went and did the set up home networking tool, on both computers and the network and internet worked perfectly...
i dont know what is wrong on linux...please help as i have asked this same question on several posts, and nobody has been able to help me so far...so i turn to the linux gurus and experts here
oh, btw im networking with mandrake on dual boot with xp and the other computer is windows ME
thanx in advance,

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave. Sir William Drummond Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. Sidney J. Harris IF WATER WAS VODKA, AND I WAS A DUCK, I WOULD SWIM TO THE BOTTOM AND NEVER COME UP, BUT WATER ISNT VODKA, AND IM NOT A DUCK, SO PASS ME THE BOTTLE AND SHUT THE FUCK UP

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