That's not what I want to do.  I already have linux and
windows partitions with running OSes in each.  I need to
resize them, make windows much smaller, linux much bigger.
Partition Magic gives a check failed message and right
clicks or menu options don't work.
Tech support said partition first extended beyond end of
HD.  Changed this but then even partition magic wouldn't
start.  We reset back to original, Changed them again to
eliminate free space at end of HD.  PM still gave a check
failed error but but now said partitions overlapped and
check still failed.

After contacting Powerquest tech support by phone and email,
they had me run several copies of info program and send the
report to them.  After several weeks, I've stopped hearing
from them and they no longer respond to email.  The last
email I got was 10 days ago, saying they got the report and
would look at it and respond the next day.  

It's OK, I was told fips does a non-destructive resize and
I'll use it.
PM will be just another windows program I can delete, <grin>

Thanks for all the help.
It was much appreciated.

Brian Whitman wrote:

> When using PM I find that the easiest thing to do is
> right click on the table and select resize-move form
> list.  Make the size partiton you want and then right
> click it again to create the type of partition you
> want fat32 or linux, linux-swap.  You need to do this
> for each partition type.  I used PM and had no
> problems with it.  Install it into windows first then
> install linux into the created partition.  Reboot into
> windows install bootmagic and everything should work
> fine.  Hope this helps some.  Brian

Ron Marriage
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