Lanman wrote:
franki wrote:

As the question in the subject states, I'm looking for mandrake rpms for XPde..

I am always on the lookout for things that will make linux seem less threatning for windows users..
To that end I recently discovered XPde

which is designed to look like Windows XP, but has ended up looking like 98/2000 but will have themes available later
to match XP's look.

Anyway, this thing is sooooo close to 98/2000, that I'd be surprised if newbie users would even know they were not using 98/2000
if they were to find themselves in front of an Linux/XPde machine..

Now I know all the arguements of why would you want to copy windoze, it sux and there are better wm around.. but the point is that
a newbie linux/win user will feel more comfortably with this then they would having to learn their way around a completely different wm/GUI...

So to that effect I am looking to find or make an rpm of XPde so that I can put it on the systems of users that are "unsure" about

I am surprised that the likes of Mandrake, Xandros, Lindows have not been looking at this app.. not as a default desktop, but say for example they add a "user class" question to the install screens, and if the user selected "windows newbie" then it could set up XPde for them.

One of the particularly impressive features is the version of windows explorer they have created. it is seriously similiar to windows explorer and would be MUCH more freindly to windows users then Konqueror or one of the others... see for yourself.

While I don't believe that the windoze user interface has any particulary merits that bear copying.. I just say that for someone turning on a pc and expecting win9x, they would be hard pressed to tell that this isn't and would probably feel right at home..

then a month later you tell them they've been using linux and show them some more powerful and customizable window managers...

(I had a look on rpmfind, and some googling but so far have found no rpms for any distro, let along mandrake, however it was mentioned on mandrake club as a potential rpm.. so if your a club member, you should go and vote for XPde so that those of us that spend our time at the front end trying to convert companies to Linux.. have another tool in our chest to do so.)



I have to agree. With Linux popularity gaining new ground each day, we have to consider that the easier it is for the masses to switch to Linux, the more of them will make the switch. I've been making a point of using KDE with a Windows 2000 Look and Feel for my clients, and usually ( more often than not ), I've been getting phone calls from them after a few months, saying "Hey, did you know that you can make major changes to the desktop?" Of course, that usually gets a little grin and chuckle out of me, but it shows that once they have acquired a "comfort level", users are usually stunned by the flexibility of the desktops alone. These conversations typically happen on a weekly basis for me, during which I often point the clients to a LUG and other websites for extra help, and to learn more. I've rarely gone back to a client 6 months later and seen the same desktop in place without some serious modificfations having been done.

Of course, the client and their staff, typically have a smug little smile on their faces concerning their accomplishments. I know from having worked in large enterprises that sysadmins typically end up locking down a lot of the functionality of M$ Windows and the desktops so as to reduce security problems, to save time for the IT support staff and to minimize user dissatisfaction.

But I'm actually seeing users with smiles on their faces again ! Has anyone else noticed that? The trust is back ! When users have a system that crashes or causes them problems, they usually blame the IT staff. As a result, they don't trust the IT guys, blaming the problems on them instead of an inferior O/S and desktop system. But those of my clients using Linux are smiling at me again, and now they're eager to learn new things.

Of all the improvements I've ever seen in Linux and all the justifications for using it, this has to be the best of them all. Giving new users a desktop like that would just make it happen that much faster. So, if anyone here is brave enough to tackle Franki's suggestion, that would probably be the most significant contribution someone could make to help promote Linux. Now,hmmmm, if it was only capable of running on Mandrake,hmmmm! Grin!

Here's to World Domination Folks! It's our turn!

OK, go back to your normal stuff, now. I'm done.


Way to go Lanman, I agree completely...

I have next to no knowledge of making rpms,

The closest I have come is installing rpm's, editing their spec files and the code of the src in question
and then compiling them into binary rpms...

but if nobody with more experiance pops up their heads and volenteers.. I will give it a shot and make it
publically available..

However I have to say I would feel alot better if someone that actually understands rpm's did it.


Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

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