On Tuesday 06 April 2004 08:50 pm, Alaa The Great wrote:
> Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You just have to manually check the mirrors until you find
> > one that has been updated to the new structure.  Try here
> >
> > ftp://ftp.proxad.net/pub/Distributions_Linux/mandrake/devel
> hey thanks for the link, I can't believe how impatient we are
> (me included).

     Problem is once a known to be good mirror is posted to a 
public list, it becomes that much more worthless. IE, /.'d  ... 
and of diminished use to everyone.  In the long run the advice to 
"just have to manually check the mirrors until you find one that 
has been updated ..." is the best advice.   Proxad has become 
slow, even unreachable sometimes since it was revealed on lists 
that it was 'currently' first to update to current cooker.

    Please remember Mandrake doesn't have any mirrors. Those that 
do mirror Mandrake, do so as a donation of disk space, bandwidth, 
and administration.   "pile'n on" as is often the result of 
public annoucements to ML's, an will only result in these 
donators reducing allowed users, bandwidth, or worse ... drop the 
whole deal altogether. 

   These are the mirrors that also host past releases of Mandrake 
(and 10.0 is a past release). They also host other distros. If 
Mandrake users start crowdin their mirror, all they have to do is 
shut it all off.  So it's a problem for 9.x-10.0 users also. Many 
already allow only so many anonymous logins, so their only choice 
is too quit hosting Mandrake if the load becomes more than their 
willin to give.

   BTW, Proxad is not the best mirror right now.  It was for a few 
days ..... but the word got out too fast ;(   There was a good 
USA mirror till it got advertised on Mandrake ML's.

> but it would have been better if Mandrake made some form of
> formal announcement in a flash newsletter and on the club
> website.

    Your sources are limited. The info has been out there for over 
a week. The schedule was posted many months ago, an revised 
since. http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/Mandrake10
There's also a link and tenative schedule for 10.1 there

    If you really care to be informed, subscribe and _lurk_ on the 
development list ... cooker.  The links are probly already 
bookmarked for you, click on the 'MandrakeSoft' folder in your 

> 10 Community was overall a great experience and I think its a
> good idea, but there was a big problem in communicating what
> exactly it is about and how it will be implemented.

     10.0 CE was great for many. 10.0 Official should be as good 
for problem users/hardware. Better yet, 10.1
      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas
               Proud to be an American

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