I dunno dude but I like AMD too.
I hear that the Athlon needs a special motherboard and
has a risc instruction set.

I hope it will still work with Linux

On Mon, 08 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> On  8 Nov, Darin Martin wrote:
> > There have also been cache changes.. The P-Pro had cache on the die that ran
> > at the speed of the CPU and came in 256k, 512k, and 1 meg varieties.
> We're talking about L2 cache here, right?  I didn't know that P-Pros
> had full speed cache.  I always thought that was only on Celerons.  Was
> this on all P-Pros?
> > Intel's 7th generation processor is supposed to be released 4th quarter
> > 2000.  It has been code named Merced for the last 4 years or so.. The actual
> > product name "Itanium" was recently announced.  It will be a true 64 bit
> > processor and completely incompatible with all x86 code, unless someone
> > decides to create an emulator for it.
> I've heard about Merced (sorry, I mean Itanium- couldn't they come up
> with a better name?), but haven't been following it as much as the
> Athlon.  I suppose I'm more of an AMD guy than an Intel fellow.  Plus,
> buying an Athlon will let me reap the benefits of a mature x86 chip
> while waiting for Merced (whoops again, but "Itanium" doesn't roll off
> the tongue as easily as "Merced") to bloom.
> Also, what is Intel supposed to do with Merced that Digital (um...
> Compaq...  I'm not good with names this morning) hasn't put into the
> Alpha processor?  I suppose it's always good to have competition, but
> does Intel really expect to dent this market?
> I suppose if Microsoft puts NT on Merced, that will help a lot. 
> Especially since they no longer support Alpha.  Is this their plan all
> along?
> -- 
>      -Matt Stegman
Normal=boring x 100

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