I  have exactly the same problem as this and just in case anyone missed it I 
get the error in my netscape browser when I attempt to load up a PHP script 
from the localhost

FATAL ERROR: midgard module not found : on line 0

Please someone help, this is very annoying. I am sure lots others are having 
the same problem.

>From: Michael Chopek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Apache
>Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 10:10:44 -0800
>Hi Shannon;
>On Mon, 08 Nov 1999, Shannon M. Johnston scribed:
> > I don't think php is installed automatically. In the httpd.conf file the
> > LoadModule and AddModules are there but they are commented. Try un 
> > them and restarting httpd. Hope that helps!
>Thanks...but I could not find any in my "httpd.conf" file.....there are 
>some calls to modules commented out...but none are PHP related.
>there is no mention of any PHP/Midgard module except the one line at the 
>of the config file that was put there during the install of the RPM.
>Include conf/addon-modules/midgardphp3.conf
>the contents of this file are..
>LoadModule php3_module        /etc/httpd/modules/midgardphp3.so
>AddModule mod_php3.c
>the first file path has been changed in my attempt to get this to 
>will probably be diffrerent. :-)
>So these modules are being asked to be loaded and added...so I'm not sure 
>to go next...
>I also have these lines uncommented..
>AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3 .phtml .php
>AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
>any ideas out there?
>- thanks -
>       best regards
>               -michael
>Michael Chopek  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Down to Earth Development Ltd - http://www.d2earth.com/
>Website & Web Applications Development
>Selena Sol's WebWare Mail List  - http://www.d2earth.com/mail_list.html

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