On 7/7/2004 at 1:19 PM, Travis Crook ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

TC> Hi All,
TC>     I upgraded to 10.0 from 9.2 recently, but I seem to have lost my usual
TC> bash prompt.  Instead of my normal [EMAIL PROTECTED] I now get
TC> sh-2.05b$.  Any ideas on how to get it back to how it was?

TC> Thanks!

Hi Travis,

That is actually the default prompt setting for bash. It probably changed because you 
upgraded your bash during your 10.0 upgrade. You can fix it by changing the bashrc 
file (the settings file for bash).

Easy Way
Copy the file I attached (bashrc) into your /etc directory, replacing the same-named 
file (I attached the default Mandrake bashrc file, I didn't tweak with it). Then type 
this in the command-line to eliminate any user-specific settings:

rm ~/.bashrc

Logout and log back in, and your prompt should be restored.

l33t (elite) Way
The prompt is controlled by a shell variable named PROMPT_COMMAND. You can customize 
it to look however you want. For example, the default prompt [EMAIL PROTECTED] looks 
like this:

PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ${PWD}\007"'

you can use any shell command that produces output here here. I've setup servers to 
have a bash prompt include CPU utilization and network traffic, i.e.:


or maybe you always want to see how much free space is in your home directory (very 
useful if you do video or photo editing).

To change it, open up either your personal bashrc file (it's a hidden file named 
.bashrc in your home directory) or the "global" bashrc file (located at /etc/bashrc). 
Add a line like the one above with your customizations, and restart your shell.

Hope that helps!

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
JWG Networks
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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