On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Hello,
>      I just installed Mandrake 6.1 on HP NetServer LH Pro, and love it so
> far..
> I am in the process of decommisioning an HP9000 UNIX server that is serving
> our web page and just can't see how paying the $3000/year maintenance fee
> on HP-UX is a benefit, when a better, faster, stable OS is free!
>      Anyway after installing, everything seems to work but a few little
> quirks,
> I can't telnet into the linux box.?? I have been researching and
> researching and  I must not be researching in the right place.  I looked in the 
> file and there  is a section for the ftpd and the telnetd, but if I do a ps -ef |grep
> telnetd it isn't running.
Go get the telnet SERVER package. Mandrake (and perhaps RedHat and
others) has seen fit to split telnet into a "server" rpm and a
"client" rpm.
>      Also if i 'ping hostname' it won't ping, if i 'ping hosname.xxx.com'
> it works.  Where is the DNS stuff at that I need to change for that to work..
/etc/resolv.conf is wher eyou put your ISP's name servers in. If
that's not your question, I'm not sure what the answer is. :-)

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