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On Monday 09 August 2004 12:35:12, Stephen Kühn wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 02:47, JoeHill wrote:
> > I've had to roll back a few client's machines already when they stopped
> > functioning properly after doing a full 'Windows Update', so I'm not
> > surprised at this:
> >
> > Quote:
> >
> > "In the memo to employees, seen by CNET News.com, IBM's internal
> > technology department stated that Windows XP SP2 will "change the
> > behavior of (Web browser) Internet Explorer and cause some application
> > incompatibilities." The memo also noted that some "high-profile,
> > business-critical applications are also known to conflict with SP2."
> >
> > http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104_2-5302346.html
> >
> > It *does* go on to say that testing before implementation is routine
> > (duh), but in this case I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that SP2 is going to
> > be one of the biggest boondoggles in MS history, second only to XP
> > itself.
> How dare you bad-mouth Microsoft and it's OS named XP (both Home and
> Pro); that is my living mate. If it ain't broke, I don't eat. If it
> doesn't break, I don't eat. If it wasn't a huge kludge of crap and
> unstable as a radioactive particle, I wouldn't eat. If it wasn't buggy
> as a four day dead 'roo carcass, I wouldn't eat.
> stephen kuhn - proprietor

This is even more off topic and maybe even more derogatory. But towards Apple. 
It was posted on the local L.U.G. mailing list this morning:

A good Mac rant (I don't think Apple will use this guy in their switch


Warning: Requires Flash plug-in, contains vulgarities (coarse language but 
that phrase may be copyright someone or other) and violence towards what 
appears to be a Macintosh tower and an iMac. I'm still lmao but I'm no longer 
on the floor. (-;

See everyone? We snipe at someone other than "Poor Microsoft" around here. <g>

- -- 
Edmonton,AB,Canada User #244963 at http://counter.li.org
Mandrakelinux release 10.1 (Beta 1) for i586 kernel 2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk
12:56:36 up 4 days, 1:50, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.18, 0.17
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, then
you clearly don't understand the situation.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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