On Saturday 14 August 2004 11:00 am, BJ Tracy wrote:

> Hello All,
> Question for the group.  With Linux,  do you need a firewall on every PC?? 
> In my office I have a LAN set up and with that I have a (hard wired) Router
> going out to my DSL.  I thought in this way I was protected.  Also do I
> need to install Virus Protection on my new Linux PC's ( I have been using
> Linux going on 6 weeks now and trying to learn as much as possible).  If
> so,  do I install DR. WEB that came with my MDK 10?
> Please Advise.

There are very few virus threats for Linux, and IIRC, almost none in the wild.  
Obviously, if you install software provided from dubious sources, there is 
the possibility that you will install something that will be malicious.  With 
Linux, it is much more important to eliminate unused services, limit network 
connectivity to those things that you need, practice good security by using 
non-trivial/obvious passwords, limiting user access and open accounts than to 
install anti-virus software.

> My thoughts:
> I thought that since I switched to Linux and had a Router(hard wired) as a
> firewall, I was protected from most of this.

This totally depends on the type of router that you are using.  If the router 
includes stateful packet inspection (SPI), then it is much more like a real 
router than if it simply performs Network Address Translation (NAT).  Most 
inexpensive DSL routers are like the latter and only do NAT for the computers 
behind them.  Those like the former are better because they help to thwart 
spoofed packets and may include some rudimentary DOS and attack protection.

However, you should always consider security to be much like castle defense.  
You don't want to set up a single barrier and rely solely on that barrier to 
protect you.  The reason is that once that barrier is breached, you are 
completely open.  So, you want to layer your defenses so that even if one 
avenue is breached, the attacker still has to get through additional layers.

Some suggestions:
1. Hardware router is good, it prevents easy entry into the LAN to a trusted 
2.  Software router next.  Installing a good software router like shorewall is 
good too, it will deny most incoming connections that you don't expressly 
open up while still allowing outgoing connections as long as they are 
initiated from inside.  Even if the attacker somehow manages to bypass the 
hardware router, they will still get packets dropped from inside.  You can 
also allow only specific outgoing connections to prevent filesharing apps and 
other sundries from running, although I am much more lenient about those 
things with Linux than I would be with Windows.
3.  Use hosts.deny and hosts.allow to only allow those services that you want 
to have access.  You can allow liberal activity from 192.168.*.* or 10.*.*.* 
addresses since those are non-routable on the Internet and must originate on 
your internal LAN.
4.  Send network services through an SSH tunnel where it makes sense.  
Services like VNC or X should always be pushed through a secure connection, 
never opened up on the Internet.
5.  Limit all services that allow information to be gleaned.  I allow POPS and 
IMAPS on my server but insist the users email accounts do not match up to 
their usernames.  That way, even if you have the email address of someone on 
my system, you can't use that as an account name to try to dictionary attack 
the password.  I also limit ssh access to only those accounts that need it, 
not all the accounts on the system.
6.  Install an Intrusion detection system, like portsentry, hostsentry, Snort, 
etc.  You can get advance warnings if your machine is being probed.  This can 
be especially useful if you are exposed to the Internet in a DMZ but is 
actually also useful if the hardware firewall is compromised in some way and 
someone manages to open it up completely.
7.  Install some type of logchecker that sends regular (daily) updates to you 
based on specific criteria.  For instance, you might grep all login attempts 
on an FTP server if you run one so that you can tell when someone is trying 
to bypass security using invalid accounts or by trying dictionary attacks 
against a password.  You might grep web server logs to see if someone is 
trying to access or search for formmail scripts or trying to use the 
mod_proxy to proxy out to an external connection.  Or perhaps too many login 
failures on a secured directory.

Just think of it as a layer castle defense.  Build walls, also moats, interior 
choke points, cut off tunnel access, etc.  Each time you can add a layer, you 
make yourself more secure.
Bryan Phinney

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