Oct 20 at 01:38, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> For one: I've never used 2 or more networkcards for the same net on
> the same PC before (I use a hub....cheap&efficient) but I don't think
> it poses a problem. They should be connected with a "crossover cable"
> (comparable to a "nul modem" serial cable) otherwise you're going to
> get nowhere!! You're not using "straight through" cat5, right?

The cable package says Belkin FastCAT5e Network Cable, with RJ45 male 
connectors on each end. Are you saying that I have to switch a couple 
wires on one end of these cables? 

> Both the kids PC's are configured using static IP (11 & 12) so you
> should setup the connected nics accordingly....i.e. "ifconfig eth1
> up" and what'll happen when you "ifconfig eth2
> up"......Don't know??? Maybe you could use a diferent subnet there
> like 192.168.1. and rename one of the 2 kids and bridge
> the two nics...that I know howto, keep it for later:)

OK, I changed the ip numbers, did the `ifconfig ethx 192.168.x.x up'
thing, and now the route works:

Kernel IP routing table (on behne.us)
Destination  Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref  Use Iface   *        U     0      0      0 eth0  *        U     0      0      0 eth2  *        U     0      0      0 eth1    *            U     0      0      0 lo
default      va-staff-u1-c3f         UG    0      0      0 eth0

And pings now work to both hosts from the server:

ping -c1 jackie ; ping -c1 jennifer
PING jackie.behne.us ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from jackie.behne.us ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 
time=0.122 ms
--- jackie.behne.us ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.122/0.122/0.122/0.000 ms
PING jennifer.behne.us ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from jennifer.behne.us ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 
time=0.119 ms

...and that's odd, since host jennifer is a Windblows box not properly
configured yet. (I keep getting the error message `network cable
unplugged' --- and no clue, since it is plugged in.)
        Host jackie (MDK 9.1) can ping the server and gets responses
just fine, but nothing else works yet. I tried a browser to
http://behne.us (which should work within my localnet,) but it gets a
`can't connect' message.

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