Bad manners is bad manners across the board young man.  It doesn't matter how old you are.  Your age does not give you permission to get away with things like that.  You see, since we only have your words to look at we would never have known how old you were.  Corresponding by e-mail is the great equalizer.  Writing flame messages either advertises you age or immaturity.

By the way, if you don't like the answers that people have been giving you, or they are not responding at all, don't go out "in a blaze of glory" by writing an angry message.  You may regret it later and want to join back up.

Good luck with Linux.  I hope that you can find your answers.

"Mike J. Kesow" wrote:

 At least someone has some common courtesy(Joseph S. Gardner.) For all of yinz out there, yinz should know that i'm only 14 years old, so pick on someone your own age.

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