On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Benjamin wrote:

> Dear Ken:
> Thanks so much for your explanation.
> Question: if I assign 3 gig to / , how much PRECISELY do I assign to
> /home (being the only user on a single machine), that is, do I assign
> the full 1.3 gig that is left over from my 4.3 gig HD or do I need to
> leave 128 meg for the swap file or should I assign 1 gig to /home, 128
> meg to the swap file and leave the rest unused? Do you have to leave
> some meg unused for Linux to use as it sees fit? Does it need some extra
> space beyond the 128 meg swap file? 

I would usually figure out how much space I'll want for /home, subtract
that and 128MB from my total HD space, and put the result into root, then
make the 128MB swap, then make the /home partition with the rest of the
space (which will of course be around what I intended to set aside for
it).  In your case, just make a 3 gig root, then a 128MB swap, then put
the rest in /home.  Linux doesn't need any unpartitioned space to be


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