On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> I would usually figure out how much space I'll want for /home, subtract
> that and 128MB from my total HD space, and put the result into root, then
> make the 128MB swap, then make the /home partition with the rest of the
> space (which will of course be around what I intended to set aside for
> it).  In your case, just make a 3 gig root, then a 128MB swap, then put
> the rest in /home.  Linux doesn't need any unpartitioned space to be
> leftover.
I recently got "bitten" by not having enough space for
/home. I had an old 850 meg IDE lying around so I made that
/boot and /. Included in / is /home. I ran out of space
after downloading too many News binaries! ;-)

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