Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

The only reasion I remember is because I had to go through it not too long ago. I also learned that with udev, it gets interesting moving a working system to a new drive. udev mounts over the /dev directory, so you can not access the entries under it. Without the default entries, you can run lilo. So the rescue mode can not install the boot loader. So you have to use something like a "live" CD or a partition copy utility to move things. (Or do a bunch of extra work.) I now have a handy .tar file of the default /dev directory...

I used to know how to make Windows boot from the second drive, but I would have to find my notes on it now. I think you have to use the "map" or "drive" options of lilo to remap the BIOS mapping of the drives, because the Windows boot loader used the BIOS mapping to load things. XP may be different, but all the versions I have used have used the first BIOS hard drive, and I don't know how to tell it to use a different drive. So I have had lilo change the drive mapping so that the first BIOS drive is the drive I want to boot from, instead of the "real" first drive. (It helps to have played with a mix of SCSI and IDE drives in the same machine...)


Recent versions of lilo offer you the following syntax:


This is an example of specifying a windows boot partition on the second ide drive. The "0x80" is used to fool windows into thinking it is booting from the primary master or drive "C:' in DOS-speak. This is not the easiest method, but you can use the "master-boot" parameter in your /etc/lilo.conf, as an alternative:


Yet another way is to use the old method, like we did in days of yore:


This would swap the BIOS labels for the first and second drives, thus fooling any operating system.

I should like to say that Mikkel's notes in a previous posting in the thread are spot on. I use the method he describes to clone Mandrake drives for one of the computer dealers in our area.
I partition the second drive from the first one, copy the OS and so on over to the various relevant partitions on the second one, then before I swap the drives around, I edit /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab as he described, and then use CD1 -> F2 -> rescue -> restore boot loader and "Viola!".


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