On Monday 14 Mar 2005 21:28, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> X isn't the problem as he can log into another windowmanager....it's kde
> that's for sure.
I hadn't realised about XFCE when I sent it, but you're right, of course.

> Optionally he can start a kde-app (say konqueror) from a console and check
> what kind of error messages come drifting by.....but I'd recomend that for
> a later stage. Prolly some kind of setting that got messed up when logging
> out in a previous session.

It does seem rather difficult to do anything about kde if you can't even get 
in.  He should be able to try renaming .kde, but that would only work if the 
problem was after logging in, and as I understand it he can't even get so 
far.   But - if he can't, how did he get XFCE working, I wonder?

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