On Tuesday 15 March 2005 23:17, Anne Wilson wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 Mar 2005 21:26, H.J.Bathoorn wrote:
> > I messed my KDE so bad konq would take about 5 minutes to start from
> > xfce.......beuh!!! So I installed Mdk10.2rc3 totally afresh on that
> > laptop......and I'm not complaining;)
> >
> > Believe me KDE is a PIA when it comes to upgrades.....makes you love
> > xfce4;)
> >
> > I just use xfce and the usable parts of kde like kppp (now there's a
> > winner!), kontact (OK), kaffeine and konqueror (if it'll run).....so I
> > don't really need to upgrade the whole thing, only the parts;)
> I'm having lots of problems with regard to kmail and imap, and everyone on
> the kde lists is telling me that I should upgrade - I'm on kde 3.2.3 and
> kmail 1.7.1.  They say that most of my problems will just disappear if I
> get the newer version of kmail - for which I will need 3.3.  I've read so
> many bad experiences about upgrading, though, I'm reluctant to do it.  This
> is definitely a matter of 'between a rock and a hard place'.
> Anne

Well people can call me chicken but I never, NEVER upgrade a KDE that's 
running on my install.....I prefer waiting for the next general distrib 
upgrade (which is never very far away in mdk's case).

There were times you could install new kde-upgrades in /opt/ which sorted out 
most problems, but sadly they're not of late any more.

And FWIW: I've got kmail/kontact1.7.2 running on kde 3.3.2 with mdk10.2rc3 
quite stable and satisfactory....but don't ask me what's the diff: I don't 
see very much there. Hopefully it's all stability in that respect.

This machine (my work-horse:triade1) runs kmail1.7.1 on kde3.2.3 with mdk10.1, 
but admittedly I don't use imap, only pop-servers.

It won't hurt upgrading to 10.2rc3 IMO. It's about as stable as 10.1 
official'll ever be...give it a go but don't upgrade, do a fresh install 
retaining your /home....(you'll lose win4lin again, though)
Good luck,

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