On Monday 21 Mar 2005 10:21, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:
> >
> > Okay Anne - thanks - wondered if it was something silly I was doing ...
> >
I don't think so.

> > I need to become a club member obviously.
> > I see that GQview provides a good picture on monitor, and I can see
> > the photos using Gimp2.  Have not attempted anything with it though.
> > The display of files etc in gwenview looked easy to deal with.
> >
It is really nice, so get it when you can.  Meanwhile, if you can install gpp 
it will give you the ability to print multiple photos to a page.  GwenView 
can do it, but if you haven't got that working, get gpp.

> > Will contact Angelo - thanks for your help.  Buying a card reader to
> > access my photos and save the visit to WinXP.  It's becoming a point
> > of honour, not to mention *nuisance*.  Have some photos I want to look
> > at!

LOL - I know the feeling.  Most people seem to be able to use their card 
readers now.  It used to be problematic for card readers with more than one 
format, but a few months ago I bought a front-panel for one box, to allow me 
to input sound from my hi-fi, for recording.  As it happens it has a 6-in-1 
card reader as well, and I was amazed to find that it was just picked up 
without me doing anything, showing up as extra removable drives.
> Actually - have used Gimp in windows and produced photos in mandrake
> 10.1.  Just need to learn how to work it better!

It's brilliant at almost everything you want it to do, but it does feel 
strange at first.  There's a massive manual in .pdf format.  Google for it, 
but if you can't find it let me know - I think I have a copy here that I 
could send you.

Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
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