I have a question.

After spending my day at work fixing some problems with Windows it lead me to
think about this.

        Why is Linux more Stable than Windows???
All I hear about is how great Linux is compared to Windows but none of my books
really explain WHY except that it is free.  

Linux is multi-user preemptive multi-tasking,  multi-threading, and has memory
protection between applications.

Windows is multi-user multi-tasking and multi-threading, and has memory
protection between applications.

Linux never crashes.  Windows crashes all the time.

Now before you anwser.  I want REAL anwsers.  Not anwsers like "Well, Windows
sucks because Micorsoft is big and rich."  

Anwsers like "Windows sucks because applications don't check to see if they
should give up the CPU for another application."(JUST an example) are more

I have run Linux for almost a year with no real problems at all.  I have run
windows for several years with nothing but grief.

Just curious thanks.

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