On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, Dan Ferris wrote:
>       Why is Linux more Stable than Windows???
That's a big question.  Do you mean linux overall, pure linux, or X?  Linux's
relation to X is quite different than say DOS's relation to Win from a runtime
standpoint. . .there's a really neat book called The Joy Of X (pun intended im
sure) that covers alot of the crucial dfiierences. . .

> Windows is multi-user multi-tasking and multi-threading, and has memory
> protection between applications.
The big difference in the multitasking part is the difference between
preemptive multitasking and cooperative multitasking.  As much as the windows
box may say so, windows 9x is NOT a preemptive multitasker.  I dont even think
preemptive mting is even possible on a not pure 32 bit OS.  i think it might
have to do with the difference between segment:offest and
global:segment:offset. . .someone correct me if im wrong. . 

Seth Gibson
Co-Founder/Moderator, Beginner's OpenGL Programming Site/List
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