I am by no means even close to being even a proficient Linux user,  but I am well
schooled in  DOS, Win, and NT.  But for the most part I couldn't say which is
really more stable.  My machines don't crash, lock up,  etc.  under Win(whatever
ver) or NT or Linux.  Matter of fact ,  my web server (offline for the moment) Has
been an NT server that I tossed together and threw the OS on
the day I got my first release of 4.0.   It has "blue screened" once on me, when I
was on vacation, natch.
But it was totally my fault.  I hadn't left enough room for caching for users and
the hdd hit the wall.  Since then it hasn't been a problem.  Linux, although I've
only had it running for a week, seems stable  and the install went easily.  I
attribute most of my success with all the OS's to a basic principle  "KISS"(keep
it simple silly(oe stupid))  I do what I call a "dummy install",  not dummy in as
a test, but as a "no brainer"
type .   This install of Linux was the same deal and I installed it on my main
machine without bothering to do a current back up.   I install upgrades and
patches as I become aware of them, and I always check for hardware  compatability
first.   Minimal problems all the way round.  Most problems I have with
users/clients are BSAT (between seat and terminal).  Works the same with my own
I usually have dummied out and done something or neglected to do something and
then down
we go.

Just my 'pinion (and we all know what that is worth<g>)
Bill Carling

Dan Ferris wrote:

> I have a question.
> After spending my day at work fixing some problems with Windows it lead me to
> think about this.
>         Why is Linux more Stable than Windows???
> All I hear about is how great Linux is compared to Windows but none of my books
> really explain WHY except that it is free.
> Linux is multi-user preemptive multi-tasking,  multi-threading, and has memory
> protection between applications.
> Windows is multi-user multi-tasking and multi-threading, and has memory
> protection between applications.
> Linux never crashes.  Windows crashes all the time.
> Now before you anwser.  I want REAL anwsers.  Not anwsers like "Well, Windows
> sucks because Micorsoft is big and rich."
> Anwsers like "Windows sucks because applications don't check to see if they
> should give up the CPU for another application."(JUST an example) are more
> acceptable.
> I have run Linux for almost a year with no real problems at all.  I have run
> windows for several years with nothing but grief.
> Just curious thanks.
>         Dan

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