Dennis wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:01:20 +0100, you wrote:
> >Okay, I downloaded and installed the new kernel I suppose... but it gives
> > me this cryptic message about changing lilo.conf. Unfortunately it does
> > not tell me WHAT to change. It may sound silly, but I use Mandrake
> It did....told you to change the lilo.conf

To a new person... arrggggg!!!!!!

> Type 'man lilo' (without the '') at a prompt and you will get all the
> explanation you need.
> > because I don't WANT to have to change things like lilo.conf, and if
> >I am to, I will need very precise instructions... :-(
> Do as I said above and you will get precise instructions.


> >I sound like a newbie, am a newbie and want to remain a newbie...
> Then I hate to say it, but it sounds like Windoze is the OS for you.
> >life's too short... Can anyone help me with the necessary change
> >and also ask the powers that be to be a little more informative in the future?
> All it takes is a little bit of reading.   Unfortunately Linux is not
> an OS for someone who doesnt want to learn anything about the OS on
> their computer.  It is unlikely that it will ever be such an OS.
> Windows is the OS for folks who wish to learn nothing and want it all
> done for them.  Not a flame...just the facts of life.
> And it is unlikely that even the Mandrake flavor of linux will ever be
> Windoze like in that respect.
> So I suggest that you set your mind to having to learn something about
> this fantastic OS or ??

I'm SO sick of people that seem to LIKE hurting, telling those of us
that are just not masochists to do this.  Until you get some experience,
sometimes only one little piece at a time, the mans mean nothing.  Most
of the time, you don't know what to look for.  Gee, I'd like to print. 
What do I do?  Check the FAQ and HOWTO that TRY to help, but just never
seem to apply, or they refer you to another one for a part that has to
work first, which then refers you to the previous one because that part
has to work first...  Not everyone learns or understands the same way.
The lilo manual tells you everything you never wanted to know unless you
need that part of it.  When you are a brand new Linux user, reading it
and understanding it can take weeks!  All you usually need is a small
part of something.  Once you understand that part, you can gather more
information relating to it and the next and the next.  It sure ain't

Real multitasking and real multiuser in Linux are great.  The rest
hurts.  I am not a newbie to the world of computers, programming or
operating systems.  I've been in world of hurt since I installed this
OS.  I'm learning a little at a time.  But it will take me LOTS of time
to figure even some of it out.  I actually have a life aside from
learning Linux and I like it MUCH better.  Linux is just a tool for me
to use to get something accomplished.  I don't worship it.  And it's
good none of you know how many times I've wanted to stomp the cd into

The good part about having the source code is you can change/fix things
if you need to.  The bad part about having the source code is you
probably have to.

There are MANY people on this list, that take the time to help those of
us that are lost, to go in the right direction.  They do help.  The best
help is personal, to the problem you are having.  To those, THANK YOU! 
Sometimes it's not so difficult to figure out what to do, or where to
find it, as it is what applies. You might get sick of answering the same
question a hundred thousand times, but it just means that there are a
hundred thousand new users with the same problems.

To the rest, just because someone wants to use Linux, that doesn't mean
they want to LIVE it.

> >
> >Rgds
> >
> >Martin

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