Audrey Beck wrote:
> Dennis wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:01:20 +0100, you wrote:
> >
> > >Okay, I downloaded and installed the new kernel I suppose... but it gives
> > > me this cryptic message about changing lilo.conf. Unfortunately it does
> > > not tell me WHAT to change. It may sound silly, but I use Mandrake
> >
> > It did....told you to change the lilo.conf
> To a new person... arrggggg!!!!!!
> >
> > Type 'man lilo' (without the '') at a prompt and you will get all the
> > explanation you need.
> >
> > > because I don't WANT to have to change things like lilo.conf, and if
> > >I am to, I will need very precise instructions... :-(
> >
> > Do as I said above and you will get precise instructions.
> NOT!!!
> >
> > >I sound like a newbie, am a newbie and want to remain a newbie...
> >
> > Then I hate to say it, but it sounds like Windoze is the OS for you.
> >
> > >life's too short... Can anyone help me with the necessary change
> > >and also ask the powers that be to be a little more informative in the future?
> >
> > All it takes is a little bit of reading.   Unfortunately Linux is not
> > an OS for someone who doesnt want to learn anything about the OS on
> > their computer.  It is unlikely that it will ever be such an OS.
> > Windows is the OS for folks who wish to learn nothing and want it all
> > done for them.  Not a flame...just the facts of life.
> > And it is unlikely that even the Mandrake flavor of linux will ever be
> > Windoze like in that respect.
> >
> > So I suggest that you set your mind to having to learn something about
> > this fantastic OS or ??
> I'm SO sick of people that seem to LIKE hurting, telling those of us
> that are just not masochists to do this.  Until you get some experience,
> sometimes only one little piece at a time, the mans mean nothing.  Most
> of the time, you don't know what to look for.  Gee, I'd like to print.
> What do I do?  Check the FAQ and HOWTO that TRY to help, but just never
> seem to apply, or they refer you to another one for a part that has to
> work first, which then refers you to the previous one because that part
> has to work first...  Not everyone learns or understands the same way.
> The lilo manual tells you everything you never wanted to know unless you
> need that part of it.  When you are a brand new Linux user, reading it
> and understanding it can take weeks!  All you usually need is a small
> part of something.  Once you understand that part, you can gather more
> information relating to it and the next and the next.  It sure ain't
> magic.
> Real multitasking and real multiuser in Linux are great.  The rest
> hurts.  I am not a newbie to the world of computers, programming or
> operating systems.  I've been in world of hurt since I installed this
> OS.  I'm learning a little at a time.  But it will take me LOTS of time
> to figure even some of it out.  I actually have a life aside from
> learning Linux and I like it MUCH better.  Linux is just a tool for me
> to use to get something accomplished.  I don't worship it.  And it's
> good none of you know how many times I've wanted to stomp the cd into
> dust.
> The good part about having the source code is you can change/fix things
> if you need to.  The bad part about having the source code is you
> probably have to.
> There are MANY people on this list, that take the time to help those of
> us that are lost, to go in the right direction.  They do help.  The best
> help is personal, to the problem you are having.  To those, THANK YOU!
> Sometimes it's not so difficult to figure out what to do, or where to
> find it, as it is what applies. You might get sick of answering the same
> question a hundred thousand times, but it just means that there are a
> hundred thousand new users with the same problems.
> To the rest, just because someone wants to use Linux, that doesn't mean
> they want to LIVE it.
> >
> > >
> > >Rgds
> > >
> > >Martin

Well said!  Thanks.
Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566 AUSTRALIA
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.

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