> Martin Cleaver wrote:
> Okay, I downloaded and installed the new kernel I suppose... but it
> gives me this cryptic message about changing lilo.conf. Unfortunately
> it does not tell me WHAT to change. It may sound silly, but I use
> Mandrake because I don't WANT to have to change things like lilo.conf,
> and if I am to, I will need very precise instructions... :-(

Edit the /etc/lilo.conf file.  Look for the x.x.x-x parts.  Change them
to the new numbers from the update.  Look in the /boot directory.  You
should have something like 2.2.13-7 files and 2.2.13-22 files.  The new
numbers are the later ones (in this example 2.2.13-22). Make sure the
file names match exactly what you are changing in /etc/lilo.conf. If you
don't have files with new numbers, the new kernel didn't install.  You
have to download/install it as root.

If you have a line in the /etc/lilo.conf that has "initrd" in it and
it's NOT commented out with a "#" at the beginning of the line, you need
to make one more file to get it all going.

Log in as root on a console or in kde on an xterm.  Enter
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-x.x.x-xmdk.img x.x.x-xmdk
Replace the x.x.x-x with your new number.  Look in the /boot directory
again.  You should have a new initrd file with the new numbers.  Change
the initrd line in /etc/lilo.conf to have the new numbers also.

Again, logged in as root on a console, once you have the files names
changed to match your new names that are in /boot, enter
at the command prompt.  It should read your lilo.conf file and put
everything back out so that you can boot.  You shouldn't get any
errors.  It should come up with the names of the partitions you boot.  

Hope the sun shines on you and try rebooting.

Good luck!
> I sound like a newbie, am a newbie and want to remain a newbie...
> life's too short... Can anyone help me with the necessary change and
> also ask the powers that be to be a little more informative in the
> future?
> Rgds
> Martin
> --
> Martin Cleaver                  MC Translations
> +31 (20) 6162224   fax: +31 (20) 8841230
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]             www.cleaver.nl

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