It's 22 clicks from bottom back to the top, right?  All I did was went into
Kpackage and unistalled a bunch of the utilities I didn't want (like Tea
Cooker).  Isn't there a way to change the menu properties so that it can have
"more->"  at the bottom a menu that's too long to view in one pane?  Disk
Navigator has it, and so does Netscape, so what's the trick?  Somewhere there's
a config file w/ a couple of lines that can be changed slightly to enable this
feature, right?
Oh, yeah, I can switch resolutions now!  Things is that I chose 1024x768 and
800x600, but if I run 800x600, it gives me that 'virtual desktop' I don't
really care for.  Xconfigurator didn't ask me if I wanted this....Just gave it
to  me.  I think I know what it is.....

funboy wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but there is a slight problem...
> I am already _at_  1024 X 780.....
> <sigh>
> Even if I knew _how_ to go finer, I wouldn't do it... on a 15" monitor, it's
> already small enough (strangely enough my ctrl-alt-numpad+,- thingie doesn't
> change my display....)
> grrr...
> there must be some way to access these menus...
> Any other suggestions?
> Awash in a sea of unknown shortcuts,
> ~phil
> Cyndi & Dwayne Hillier wrote:
> > Hi Phil,  I did the same thing myself.  Only way I could fix it was to
> > change the resolution to at least 1024 x 780.  Though that is drastic, but
> > it did the trick.
> >

> > First off, I just want to say that i installed my first LINUX system a
> > few days ago, and apart from a few hangups, everything has been running
> > great. I am very happy with the learning curve. Just sitting back and
> > watching the emails has been a great catalyst for my own solutions. But
> > there is one annoying little problem I still have and can't figure out
> > how to fix....
> >
> > Can you please tell me how to see the bottom (unviewable) portion of the
> > KDE popup menus? My Utility menu is too large (vertically) to fit on
> > screen, and, while it may be amusing for you all to contemplate, I have
> > been forced to count and memorize how many arrow hits I made from the
> > moment the focus went off-screen in order to access these apps.
> >
> > I'm sure the answer is quite obvious, but I just can't get it.
> >
> > thanks,
> > ~phil

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