The problem is that there are simply too many entries in the utilities menu to
be displayed in one column on the screen. You have to use the menu editor to
create a second menu such as utils2 or whatever you wish for a name, then move
the entries from  the original menu to the new one (perhaps the last half of
the entries). I saw a good description of the process some time back, you may
be able to find it in the list archives. Sorry I can not be more helpfull,


On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, funboy wrote:
  |  Thanks for the suggestion, but there is a slight problem...
  |  I am already _at_  1024 X 780.....
  |  <sigh>
  |  Even if I knew _how_ to go finer, I wouldn't do it... on a 15" monitor, it's
  |  already small enough (strangely enough my ctrl-alt-numpad+,- thingie doesn't
  |  change my display....)
  |  grrr...
  |  there must be some way to access these menus...
  |  Any other suggestions?
  |  Awash in a sea of unknown shortcuts,
  |  ~phil
  |  Cyndi & Dwayne Hillier wrote:
  |  > Hi Phil,  I did the same thing myself.  Only way I could fix it was to
  |  > change the resolution to at least 1024 x 780.  Though that is drastic, but
  |  > it did the trick.
  |  >
  |  >
  |  > -----Original Message-----
  |  > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of funboy
  |  > Sent: December 20, 1999 10:02 PM
  |  > Subject: [newbie] KDE screen help
  |  >
  |  > First off, I just want to say that i installed my first LINUX system a
  |  > few days ago, and apart from a few hangups, everything has been running
  |  > great. I am very happy with the learning curve. Just sitting back and
  |  > watching the emails has been a great catalyst for my own solutions. But
  |  > there is one annoying little problem I still have and can't figure out
  |  > how to fix....
  |  >
  |  > Can you please tell me how to see the bottom (unviewable) portion of the
  |  > KDE popup menus? My Utility menu is too large (vertically) to fit on
  |  > screen, and, while it may be amusing for you all to contemplate, I have
  |  > been forced to count and memorize how many arrow hits I made from the
  |  > moment the focus went off-screen in order to access these apps.
  |  >
  |  > I'm sure the answer is quite obvious, but I just can't get it.
  |  >
  |  > thanks,
  |  > ~phil

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