On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion, but there is a slight problem...
> I am already _at_  1024 X 780.....
> <sigh>
> Even if I knew _how_ to go finer, I wouldn't do it... on a 15" monitor, it's
> already small enough (strangely enough my ctrl-alt-numpad+,- thingie doesn't
> change my display....)
> grrr...
> there must be some way to access these menus...
> Any other suggestions?
> Awash in a sea of unknown shortcuts,
> ~phil
There have been quite a few posts on this. This is a known
"bug" in the system. The best solution so far has been to
edit the menus and have like an "apps2" menu with
everything from M to Z in that menu....
Check the archives for info on how to do it. Axalon has
given explicit, detailed instructions on how to do that
several times.

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