Fomr the command line you would type:

rpm -Uvh /path/to/rpm/rpm-name.rpm

++ /12/99, Elton Woo:
 >On Tue, 28 Dec 1999 18:18:13 -0600, Doug Roberts wrote:
 >>I was wondering how it is possible to install applications from the CD after
 >>installing Linux?
 >>I installed Mandrake 6.1 and chose not to install things like Gnome and
 >>Samba. Now I would like to install these packages, do I have to go back to
 >>the CD and run install from there, or is there a command line (Yes I'm an
 >>old MS-Dos user...:-) ) commmand to use that installs application packages?
 >      I'm currently using Mandrake 6.0, and though I'm comfortable with
 >my DOS ad OS/2 command-line stuff, I find that just navigating the CD, and clicking on
 >an RPM, is a whole lot easier than installing from a command line. In short, just
 >browse the CD tree, and go to the RPMS directory, from there, you just click
 >and the KDE or GNOME packager will do the rest!
 >Elton Woo ([EMAIL PROTECTED] / ICQ #:9984432) Montreal, Quebec, CANADA.
 >          "You only live once, so let's make life easier for each other."
 >I use IBM's OS/2 WARP 4.0 & Red Hat Linux 6.0: I do NOT use Microsoft products.
 >                 <<<Randomly generated tagline follows: >>>
 > ** TagIt/2 v2.0.1 ** 
 >... I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.

Desmond Wass    |   Web Hosting Systems
{Mobile Stolen} |   Phone: 08 9244 4877
                |   Fax: 08 9244 4977

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