>>> "Josh" == Josh McCaffrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> <snip> I started
    Josh> recompiling the kernel a couple of times, and each time it
    Josh> failed (I forget why) after choosing to save the new kernel,
    Josh> so in /usr/src there are "linux-2.2.13" and
    Josh> "linux-2.2.13.old" folders, and the 2 files generated by
    Josh> make menuconfig (one is .old) So should I delete these extra
    Josh> files and start again from the beginning?  Thanks!  -Josh
    >>  What kernel are you running now (output of 'uname -r')?

    Josh> 2.2.13-7mdk -Josh

Sounds top me that you may safely delete the directory
"linux-2.2.13.old" and its contents.

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.14-15mdk
Jan 14 St Hilary or St Felix
"Mediaeval man endured frightful fasts; but none of them would have
dreamed of seriously proposing that nobody anywhere should ever have
wine anymore."  [G.K. Chesterton, in The Well and the Shallows]

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