Lance Borden wrote:

> Okay, I see what y'all are saying...high praise for the Epson S. P. 700!   Since
> I'm looking for a new printer right now, I went right out to find me one of those,
> and where I live (Austria) I couldn't find one!
> Or could I?   I found Stylus Color 740, 750, 860 and numerous others, but none
> that were "exactly" 700 or 800 (the 800 was in the Linux-compatible listing).  My
> question is this: when y'all are talking about the 700, do you mean "only" 700, or
> would the driver include the entire 700 range (i.e., anything between 700-799)?

The 740 is the same(well almost) as the 700. The 740 is just the later model, and
Includes additionally a USB Port as well as the standard parallel.

> Thanks for the help!
> Lance

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