At 02:25 PM 2/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
>And here is MS's official page on it which actually says IE5 with Outlook5
>which would be very nice to see for Linux too.

I am growing more nauseous with each message I read in this thread. These
M$ apps are so crash-prone it isn't even funny. Running them on linux is
like running away from a terrible marriage only to keep having three-night
trysts every week with her. :-)

At least under linux you can guarantee that the app-fault-of-the-hour won't
happen to spread to the OS core and bomb the whole machine, the way it will
with one in ten odds on M$ 'doze. You won't get that annoying "This program
has performed an illegal operation..." dialog either; the windows will just
disappear out from under you, and you'll find in the console or in
.xsession-errors the explanation of what happened. :-)

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."    -------------------------------------------------
        -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____________________ ____|________                          Paul Derbyshire
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

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