At 04:15 PM 2/8/00 -0500, you wrote:
>IE may crash every once in a while, but it's a whole whole lot stabilier than
>Linux's Netscape. That thing crashes about once a hour, whereas IE might
>once a day at most.

Someone else with a charmed copy of IE! Interesting, it seems copies might
be charmed to differing extent. The other one I've heard about doesn't
crash at all, which is especially astonishing.

A normal copy of IE5 will crash every few hours if used extensively. More
often than merely once a day...

Or maybe it's not that your copy is blessed..maybe yours is normal, that
other one was blessed, and mine is *cursed*?

That would be just my luck.

It probably happened when I put in an all-nighter playing ADOM.

>Sure, it doesn't bring down the whole system when Netscape crashes... linux I assume. In 'doze, Netscrap usually *does* bring down the
whole system if it crashes, and yes it does crash frequently in 'doze.

>I'd take IE over Netscape anyday with it's better features and stability.

Yeah... of course... though it's still a Hobson's choice. IE is the lesser
of two evils. We're talking worst and second worst.

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."    -------------------------------------------------
        -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____________________ ____|________                          Paul Derbyshire
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

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