Hi Warren,

Yes I have tried all that and still no sound for everything.
I also have to turn on all the different group volumes too like amixer set
Master 100 unmute....amixer set PCM 100 unmute....amixer set Aux 100
unmute.... etc.  Some like the PC Speaker or Input Gain with the two words
are not accepted with this command.  I am wondering if I also need to add
lines into the conf.modules like settings for mixer irq, port,dma etc?

I cant hear mp3, wav,au.... only cds?

Also, I cant find IIRC/KMIX?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Warren Doney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, 13 February 2000 07:14: pm
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: [alsa-user] alsa install problem

> To see what modules are loaded type "lsmod".
> everything seems to be there, but
> you do not appear to have unmuted your
> master volume control with amixer. IIRC
> the normal mixer in kde (kmix) would work
> with alsa - try that. if that doesn't work
> there are alsa friendly mixers like Xamixer
> & gamix - I think one comes with the alsa-utils
> that you get from alsa-project.org
> You seem to have quite a few modules running,
> some *might* conflict - so try a modprobe -r
> on them if you still can't get it working.
> BTW, I dont think the devices not turning up
> until after you load the module is significant.
> -Warren.

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