I have dloaded the 2000-02-11.tar.gz to install the alsa drivers, and the mini howto that has the instructions.
(I couldnt use the ./configure command but the ./cvscompile worked???)  Everything has gone ok upto the install of the utils.  the part just before loading the drivers.
I got these various messages in the running script from the command ./cvscompile in the utils dir:
Note checking for biscon-no
configure flex command not found
checking for flex=lex
configure error: cannot find output from lex; giving up
make *** no targets.  stop
and another line in the script was:
./configure: line 1345:7525 broken pipe    echo %%%%
7526 done(127)    | $lex
I did the install from the shell as su.
When I got these errors I couldnt continue with the install.  I rebooted and  now it doesnt go automatically into the XServer login screen.  It stops at the shell prompt screen and flashes on and off.  The little I know about linux, the only things I know that could cause that is the XF86Config even though surely nothing I did damaged that???Anyway, I replaced both the XServers file and the XF86Config and it still flashes at the shell login when I boot up.  I dont know what else could have gone wrong to cause this.  I now cant get into anything but the prompt.
What has happened and how do I fix it????

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