Thanks Warren

Im not sure what you mean by assuming irq etc is ok? I dont have the irq or
dma setting in the conf.modules which Ive queried a number of times now and
no ones replied.  Thru the mini how to it shows settings for these for the
various cards but not mine so I dont know what to put there.  And Im having
to use the alsa drivers and I dont know if perhaps its reading those
specific settings from elsewhere?

Some things I cant unmute from the prompt. The ones that are two words like
PC Speaker.  Master Mono, Input Gain.  But if I just do the Master then I
can get into the mixer and unmute the others.

The sound is definately coming out of my 4 amplified speakers.  The sound is
great!  :)
I've unmuted Master.  I have to do that to get the mixer program to open off
k/multimedia.  I didnt think to change PCM0 AND PCM1.  I'll try that.


> Are you hearing cd's through your headphone jack or the speakers?
> IIRC= if I recall correctly
> kmix = little speaker icon on takbar or mixer in menu/multimedia
> the output of amixer shows you have unmuted some things
> but not your master volume, so I assume irq etc is okay.
> there are usually 2 pcm's PCM0 & PCM1. I had to unmute PCM1
> in my case..
> -WBD

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