First of all, WHY all the dups of email?
second, what is wrong with all these people about unsubscribing?
this is getting way out of hand !!!!
 TO ALL YOU PEOPLE out there, who wish to unsubscribe to this list...
PLEASE,PLEASE go to the start page of linux-mandrake and on the left
hand side of the menu...
click on mailing lists...upon reaching that page..scroll down to about
the middle and you'll see a textbox
where you can then place  your email address that you originally
subscribed with, into.
then simply click on the button that says's that EASY.

third, this is KIT, some of you may remember me....
I have a BestData PCI modem...and guess what?
I re-installed the modem...under com2 and NOW it doesn't say it's busy
now registers...under linux...when I queue it...but, for some reason I
still can't get it to connect to my ISP...
can someone please walk me thru the process of setting up the
also, I used to be able to click on CD icon on my linux desktop...and be
able to access I can't ...
it freezes on me ,upon attempting to access...why is this?


ICQ# 7110071

(personal webserver,does NOT run 24/7)

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