Did you use a "server" install or a "custom" isntall when you where
installing Linux? This is really importnat to know. The server install and
custom install will wipe all existing partitions. The Workstation install
will leave any existing DOS partitions.

Please let us know what you used during the install process.

Christopher Molnar
New Enland Business Services, LLC      Aetna, Inc.
Hartford, CT USA                       Middletown, CT USA

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, MERCATOR GmbH wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 06:28:39 -0800 (PST)
> To: jpgois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [newbie] URGENT! Windows partion has gone!
> First of all, thanks for your FAST response! I would REALLY appreciate, if
> you could give me a hand in solving my problem. 
> I will explain at what point I am...
> > DOS is nothing else than SUICIDE if you have ext2 partition on your HD.
> > It already has destroyed some of my partitions while I didn't ask him anything.
> HOW do I use the Linux fdisk program? 
> > Normally, if you let the installation program handle the LILO installation, you
> > should just type DOS at the boot prompt, and it should boot your window
> > partition.
> I tried this, but it doesn`t work. I can ONLY boot Linux with the floppy
> and then I have the choice between "Linux" and "rescue"! 
> > if it doesn't (and that your windows partition hasn't been destroyed!!!), you
> > have to configure lilo, by editing the /etc/lilo.conf file.
> PLEASE.... do NOT say those things... :-))
> I hope it has NOT been destroyed!! I have already edited/viewed the
> lilo.conf file. I will write farther down what I have in this file. 
> > PS : if you REALLY urgently need to boot your windows, you can boot with a DOS
> > floppy disk and type fdisk /mbr to restore a windows MBR. But then you'll have
> > to boot your linux with a LILO floppy or something to reinstall lilo and be
> > able to boot both win and linux.
> I already tried this, but it does NOT work !!! :-((
> so, here is what I have in my lilo.conf: 
> ______________________________________________
> boot=/dev/hda3
> read-only
> pompt
> .... (and so on)...
> other=/dev/hda1
> label=windows
> table=/dev/hda
> other=/dev/sda1
> label=windows2
> table=/dev/hda
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
> root=/dev/hda3
> label=linux
> append=""
> and then the stuff for old_linux,floppy  etc. 
> _____________________________________
> so... HOW can I get my Windows to work??? Can I create a new partition
> from Linux for Windows?  
> I can access and see ALL my files from Linux! I have two icons on my
> desktop, for hda1 and sda1 (my Linux is on hda3 by teh way..) and clicking
> on these icons, I see all my Windows stuff. 
> Please help me!!
> Thanks 
> Marc

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